If you have any questions or concerns regarding your time reporting or benefit time, please e-mail Alejandro P. Garcia, School Administrative Assistant with your question or concern. Please indicate the date, number of hours, type of service such as regular, illness/pn time, x-time, replacement.... if missing hours.
Did your check get lost in the mail?
Click here to open the Warrant Affidavit. Fill it out and give it to Mr. Garcia, S.A.A. in the Main Office. He will process it. Make sure to state whether you want to pick up the check or have it delivered to your home.
W-2 Replacement:
Did you not receive your W-2 for 2017? or cannot find it? Simply need a replacement?
You can click here to get the W-2 Request form for 2017. Please follow the instructions on the form.
Direct Deposit Form:
Click here to open the Automatic Payroll Deposit Authorization Form. By opening this file on the computer you may enter your information, printed, sign it, and mail it to the address shown at the bottom of the form.