Students » FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a new ID?
For a replacement ID go to the student store and pay the $5 fee and make sure you keep the receipt. Bring that receipt to room 303 (main building 3rd floor) where we will print your ID. New students DO NOT pay for their first ID.
How can I change a class?
To change a class please schedule an appointment with your counselor.
Where can I go if I feel bullied?
If you are being bullied please tell your parents, teacher(s), counselor, an assistant principal, or principal. For more information, please click here.
How do I clear my absence(s)?
To clear an absence please take your note to the attendance office. The note must have the student's name, a parent/guardian name, the reason for the absence, date of the absence, a callback number, and a parent/guardian signature.
I forgot my locker combination, where can I get it again?
Go to S-1 before or after school to get the combination. Please bring your ID. 
How do I graduate?
For a detailed list of graduation requirements click here.
How can I replace my Chromebook charger?
Go to the student store and pay the $25 fee and make sure you keep your receipt. Bring that receipt to room 303 (main building 3rd floor) where we will issue a replacement charger.

Community Resources

Digital ID Instructions
