Job Center
Career Path


LA County Youth Jobs Program

For a list of job providers for youth: LA County Youth Jobs Program Providers Contact Sheet

Looking for a job?

Access multiple jobs in our area by going to:



Career Zone

Good luck!



Summer Jobs

Every year, the City and County of Los Angeles offer summer youth work programs to students who live in the City and County of Los Angeles.  Once again, the Los Angeles Unified School District will be a major partner in providing paid work experience opportunities to youth who qualify.  This year, youth (ages 14 to 24) who are interested in working this summer, may have a chance to gain employment.

The youth eligibility for all of the summer work programs is as follows:

1)     Be 14 - 24 years old

2)     Live in the City Los Angeles or within County of Los Angeles

3)     Fall under at least one (1) of the following criteria:

  • Live in a low income household
  • Receive CalWorks/TANF public assistance
  • Categorized as homeless
  • Must have the right to work in the U.S.

Youth who live within the City of Los Angeles boundaries can apply at the following website: Link

For youth who live outside the City of Los Angeles but within the County of Los Angeles, he/she can apply at the following website: Link 

Please remind youth that applying on-line does not guarantee them a job as the selection process will be conducted via lottery; the sooner they apply, the better chance they have to get a summer job.  The majority of summer work will be between July 5th and August 13th.

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Need help creating your resume?

Naviance will provide you with templates to create, modify, and save your resume for FREE!

Access naviance by clicking on the following link and signing in with your LAUSD account!

Access Naviance

If you want to look at templates you may also access the following link!

Resume Builder.(High School Examples)

Need Help Creating Your Resume?

Naviance will provide you with templates to create, modify, and save your resume for FREE!

Access naviance by clicking on the following link and signing in with your LAUSD account!

Access Naviance

If you want to look at templates you may also access the following link!

Resume Builder.(High School Examples)

Career Oportunities


Looking For A Job?

The City of Los Angeles has a great job search engine available to all individuals who reside in the Los Angeles area. Go to the following  link: 


For high school students, to effectively use this resource, follow the following instructions:


1) Click the "Job Seekers- Find a job" tab

2) Make sure that the zip code prompt is selected

3) Type in the zip code which you (the student) resides

4) Click the mile range you (the student) is willing to go work if hired

5) Under 'keywords', type in a word where many high school jobs are offered- (when doing the search, do one word at a time): cashier, courtesy clerk, customer service, student, clerk, assistant, etc.

6) Click the "search" tab


You need  to go over all of the job opportunities to make sure you meet  the job criteria.

There are also other valuable resources in this website such as how to write a resume.